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14 posts tagged with "ZK"

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A look into Signal's use of Ristretto hashes and zero-knowledge proofs for usernames
Cayden Liao
A primer on MPC wallets and their security features and pitfalls
How does Zcash work? Understanding Zerocash and Zcash
Malte Leip
A look into the three puzzles solved by the Zellic cryptography team for ZK Hack IV
Stephen Tong
Building an implementation of garbled circuits from the ground up
A look into the ZK audit process and techniques the leading ZK auditors employ to examine ZK circuits
Malte Leip
An introduction to what pairings are and how they are motivated, with a particular focus on elliptic curve pairings.
An in-depth guide to secure random number generation
Cayden Liao
An intro to Zero-Knowledge and applications of zero-knowledge including ZK payments, ZK hardware acceleration, and zkVMs
William Bowling
A brief look at Cairo 1.0, Starknet, and the security considerations
A cryptographic deep dive into mathematical attacks on ZK hash functions
Cayden Liao
An intro to Zero-Knowledge and applications of zkSNARKs including zkEVMs, zkBridges, and zk Programming Languages
An exploration of MiMC, Poseidon, and Vision/Rescue, along with a deep dive into SNARK and STARK complexity
A breakdown of the mathematical principles behind Tornado Cash